
Create Video Content With Ease

Not sure where to start? You're in the right place.

You keep hearing that video is the way of the future, and you're excited to dip your toes in. Maybe you're not quite ready to commit to a video editing retainer or one video a week. Good news - I've got you covered. On this page, you'll find all my best resources for getting started creating video content with a purpose. And most importantly, everything I do is jargon-free and easy to implement.

Let's start with some of my most popular blog posts on the nuts + bolts of video content creation:


Get your free guide to getting started with video

I know video can be overwhelming. But after 15 years in the industry, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to demystify the video creation process.

Video content has the power to get you off the content treadmill, and this quick-start guide will get you there quickly and easefully.

Plus, my monthly email postcards with actionable prompts + video tips.

Video Gear Checklist

Got questions about what video equipment I recommend, what microphone you should buy, or what I carry in my travel kit?


Head over to my gear recommendations page where you can get direct links (*some affiliate links*) to my favorite video tools - things I personally use and suggest to clients!

DIY Video Editing

My best tips and tricks for editing on a smartphone


Your Custom Video Strategy

  • One-hour strategy session where we'll talk through your goals and come up with a plan for your video content
  • Custom getting started checklist with my best recommendations for your business
Book for $375

Get Video Tutorials

On Demand

It may not be a Lord of the Rings marathon, but it's up there. Binge all my latest video trainings on my YouTube channel.