
How to plan a video shoot for beginners

Planning a video shoot

Sometimes, there is nothing more intimidating than a blank page. You open Word, or Illustrator, or your old-fashioned sketchbook and there it is waiting for you. A blank page holds infinite possibility. There are so many directions you could go. Where to start?

I’ve been asked a lot by friends who are wanting to start incorporating video into their blogs or take more video on their travels, “where do I even begin?” Like any new skill, filmmaking can be overwhelming and intimidating but where I ALWAYS start is with a story. What story are you trying to tell through your video?

Does it capture your love story, though a travel video of your honeymoon?

Is it a success story from your business that you’re sharing to motivate people to buy a new offering?

Is it about the beautiful relationship between your parents and your children, played out on a family vacation?

Or maybe, it’s the story of your brand – letting your dream customers in on the why behind what you’re doing what you’re doing.

Start With What You Want to Say

The first thing I figure out when I sit down to plan a video is what I’m trying to say. All other decisions work towards this goal. If I want conversions, social media followers, or simply tears of joy from grandma, the story must lead here.

When you know the story you’re trying to tell, and the goal you’re trying to meet, the video you need to capture becomes easier to visualize. I start writing down ideas for how I can SHOW this story through video. How do I reveal the mood? How do I relate and connect with my intended audience? What would resonate with them? Grandma probably wants to see her grandson running up to her with a big smile on his face, so I look for those moments on my vacation. Your client probably wants to see and feel the results of what working with you will be like, so I plan a video shoot that feels light and joyful (insert your brand words/mood) are.

Think About Your Location

Next, I do some recon on the places I’ll be shooting video. What angles capture the place? What light will I need? I prefer to shoot in natural light, so the time of day impacts when I will get the best video. I’ll also keep in mind my 5 Secrets to Compelling Video Content so that I make sure to collect all the necessary shots.

A little bit of planning before I get started means everything goes more smoothly on shoot day.

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